Sejħa għall-Formula Automech 2017

Sejħa għall-Formula Automech 2017

Għażiż Sinjur / Sinjura,

Huwa l-unur u l-pjaċir tiegħi li nistedinkom biex tipparteċipa fil-Formula Automech 2017, il-Kajr International Motor Show, huwa l-ewwel u l-aktar avveniment prestiġjuż għall-industriji awtomobilistiċi fil-Lvant Nofsani u l-Afrika ta 'Fuq (MENA). L-ispettaklu huwa l-uniku avveniment tal-karozzi fl-Eġittu approvat mill-UFI u l-OICA.

China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include Control Valve, Injectors,nozzle,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.

Hija l-akbar wirja tal-kummerċ għall-industrija tas-suq ta 'wara l-bejgħ awtomatiku u hija l-pjattaforma biex tiltaqa' ma 'dawk li jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet speċjalizzati fil-partijiet tal-karozzi, aċċessorji, workshops tal-karozzi. Matul dan it-tlett ijiem, Int merħba bil-qalb li jżuruna fil-kabina tagħna Nru: 5.E208.

Automech Formula 2017
Nru tal-kabina: 5.E208
Dati tal-wiri: 10-12 ta 'Diċembru 2017
Ħin tal-Ħin: 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Post: ÄŠentru tal-Konferenzi Internazzjonali tal-Kajr (CICC)
Indirizz tal-Web: http://

Aħna nħarsu 'l quddiem biex tara int fl-ispettaklu.

Pjanti ta 'Partijiet taċ-Ċina Lutong

Diesel Oil Heavy Oil Steam Boiler

WNS series gas and oil fired boiler features:

1.Safe and Intelligent Control

·Equipped with world famous brand burners(Baltur, Riello, Oilon), 80% configuration , making the combustion more sufficient with lower failure rate.
·Multiple protective functions for over-high temperature, over-high pressure, water shortage, leakage detection and flame-out, ensuring safe and reliable operation.
·Independently developed PLC control panel, better match our boiler operation. Siemens PLC with 10 inch touch screen and frequency transformer, more safety and easy operation.
·Explosion proof door design, prevent explosion, reduce the damage to the boiler, improve the safety of boiler.

2. Energy saving and high efficiency
·Adopt threaded smoke tube, Increase the flow rate of the flue gas, enhance the heat transfer efficient.
·Equipped with dual energy-saving devices, fuel combustion is sufficient, exhaust gas temperature is low, thermal efficiency is increased by 5%-10%

·Big size corrugated furnace, has large heating area, satisfy the free expansion of boiler, improve the boiler efficiency.

3. Eco-friendly and Low NOx emission
·Low nitrogen FGR combustion technology Nitrogen oxide emissions <30mg/m3;

Heavy Oil Steam Boiler,Diesel Oil Steam Boiler,Diesel Oil Fired Steam Boiler,Heavy Oil Fired Steam Boiler,Diesel Fired Boiler

Henan Yuanda Boiler Co., Ltd. ,