The development of information technology single application in the machine tool industry

Although China's machine tool industry has achieved certain effects in the integration of the two industries, there are still many shortcomings. Specifically, there are four aspects.

The concept of production management is backward, and the application level of information technology in manufacturing is low. At present, the production methods and management concepts of China's machine tool industry enterprises are generally backward. The lack of motivation and conditions for enterprises to develop the informationization of manufacturing and manufacturing links has made the level of integration of manufacturing links become the bottleneck for machine tool enterprises to improve production efficiency and product quality. Insufficient comprehensive collaborative innovation capabilities.

According to the results of the two-in-one integration assessment, the information technology single-application application of the machine tool industry is generally better, and the information integration application has a certain scale and level, but the level of integrated integration, coordination and innovation between information systems needs to be improved. Among them, smaller enterprises are more difficult to achieve comprehensive integration and synergy and innovation due to constraints such as late start, insufficient basic investment, and unregulated management.

Lack of information systems to meet industry needs. The information system is the basis for the integration of the two enterprises. At present, there is a lack of information systems suitable for machine tool enterprises in the market, which makes the integration of the two technologies often less than half the effort, and it is difficult to achieve the expected goals. Industry standards are lagging behind, and the degree of integration of the two technologies is insufficient. The informatization construction standards suitable for the machine tool industry are of great significance to the regulation of industry enterprises and the in-depth implementation of the integration of the two.

At present, there is no unified standard of informationization in China, and the machine tool industry lacks the applicable two-in-one integration standard. This leads to the use of different modeling standards and business process specifications by machine tool enterprises in single-system applications, resulting in data between systems. Exchange, convergence and collaborative integration are difficult.


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