Conservation Worker Li Guojun's 24-year "Paver Love"

“Old man, I’ve known you for 24 years. With you, I feel like I’m back at the age of the boy!” This is the latest statement made by Li Guojun in a circle of friends, but his “old man” in his mouth is A shovel: the old-fashioned "paver." This old-fashioned paver and he has already walked through 24 springs and autumns, and has forged a deep love.

Li Guojun is the manager of the Bailong Bridge Center Highway Management Station and the road station, and has been engaged in road maintenance for more than 30 years. He has grown from the front line and innovated on the first line. He has won such honors as “Top Ten Technical Experts”, “Practicing Reforms”, “The Most Beautiful Traffic Persons in Jinhua City”, “Good People in Jinhua”, and “Zhejiang Good People Dedication Contribution Award”.

"The honor also has half of it." For this paver, Li Guojun said with emotion.

In 1986, Li Guojun, then only 18 years old, came to Dongxiang Township, Jinhua County and became a conservation worker. It began to clean the roads, repair slopes, and clear culverts, day after day and year after year, just like other colleagues.

Eight years later, the construction of the Bailongqiao overpass on the 330 National Road started. In order to ensure the timely opening of the bridge, the unit purchased the first asphalt concrete paver. Pavers bought, who will open it? The 25-year-old Li Guojun honorably took on the first job of the “2LTLZ45” asphalt concrete paver.

In the early asphalt pavement construction, the artificial paving method was commonly used. After the introduction of the 2LTLZ45 concrete asphalt paving machine, the construction efficiency was significantly improved, and the road quality was significantly improved. This comparison made Li Guojun marvel at the immense role of mechanized conservation and quickly determined that “learning the best technology and being the best maintenance worker”. determination.

Since then, Li Guojun has been heading into the mechanical world. From the skillful operation of the first paver to the gradual mastery of large trucks, milling machines, forklifts, excavators, and other large machinery, the age of maintenance workers is not. Big, but experienced "master."

Not only that, he also gave full play to the spirit of creativity, led the conservation team has invented "green trimmer", "fence cleaning machine", "road shoulder ripper", modified sprinkler trucks, snow trucks and asphalt perfusion vehicles and other equipment.

During the mechanization of Yucheng Highway, the paver and Li Guojun witnessed the great changes of local roads, from roads to roads, from mud roads to gravel roads, from gravel roads to asphalt roads... everywhere. Their orange glow.

One thing that Li Guojun remembered was particularly profound. In the evening of the winter of 1994, the Cao House Road team in which Li Guojun was located assisted in the construction of the Haoyun site. Due to the tight construction schedule, the construction unit needed to work overtime to increase the construction period. The paver was damaged due to overloading work. This was the first time that the paver was bad, and Li Guojun was extremely sad. Without saying anything, he started the inspection and maintenance of the handicap. He waited for the repairs and it was already bright. However, Li Guojun did not rest, but continued his paving the next day to ensure that the project progressed as scheduled. Later, in the event of a similar incident, even if it were to get tired again, Li Guojun must insist on doing a good job of mechanical maintenance on the day.

Since then, between 1997 and 2000, this paver left Li Guojun briefly for various reasons. When he was transferred back from Tangxi Highway Maintenance Station to Jiangshantou Nursing Station (the predecessor of the Bailongqiao Central Highway Management Station), he accelerated the mechanization construction at the station. Li Guojun’s superb mechanical operation technology made this paver return. To his side. "When I re-stand in front of this machine, I feel like a long-term friend, there is a thousand words in the belly to talk." Li Guojun described the long-distance paver.

In 2002, the paver was seriously damaged due to parts. The unit once wanted to scrap it. It was Li Guojun's insistence and professional maintenance technology to keep it.

Today, the 24-year-old, although it is Taiwan's "lifespan" has entered the elderly paving machine, but after Li Guojun's meticulous care and maintenance, in recent years to speed up the "two-American city" construction, this old-fashioned paver Renewed vitality again!

"In the future, I will also remain committed to it until the day we leave the workforce." Li Guojun's words are the best footnotes for this love, and it is a lively interpretation of the lifelong oath for the road maintenance business. (Jiang Qiqiu Ma Xiaofen Wang Jing)

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